What is information literacy?
It is the set of skills needed to find, retrieve, analyze and use information or the ability to identify, locate, evaluate, organize and effectively create, use and communicate, information to meet the information need.
Information Literacy 1
Search and find e-books and e-journals
In this course, we show you how to easily use our e-books and e-journals. You also learn how to develop a basic search strategy for literature, and find out about library services that can assist you in your studies and working routines.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
Information Literacy 2
1.0 Research Strategies for Seminar Papers and Theses
In this course you learn how to find appropriate literature databases for your subject. We show you how to search literature successfully with targeted search strategies, and how to access the documents simply and comfortably.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
1.1 Search, Cite, Publish
Compact Course for Doctoral Candidates and Researchers
In our course we show you how to find literature databases that are important for your field, and develop targeted search strategies for literature. You also learn how to access the researched material, quote correctly and publish electronically.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates, Scientists & Researchers
1.2 Fast Route to Library Materials
Selection of information materials
Is it your responsibility to select information materials for your school/department? In this course we will show you how to select, prepare lists, and how to recommend purchases for in line with the programs core texts.
Open to: KyU Academic Deans & Chair of Departments
1.3 EndNote – Introductory Course
Reference Management with EndNote
In our introductory course, you will get to know all the important basic features of the programme. We show you how to add and organize references, how to cite them in a selected style and how to create a bibliography.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
1.4 Cite It Right
Are you currently writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis or your PhD and are not sure about what and how to cite? We are here to support you. In our citation course you will learn how to cite correctly and avoid unintended plagiarism.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
1.5 Routes to Publishing
Publication Process, Open Access, Authors' Rights
All you want to know about scientific publishing is offered you in this compact course.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates, Scientists & Researchers
1.6 Research Data Management
Data Management Plan, Guidelines, Data Publication
This course will present the basics of research data management (RDM). You will learn the most important aspects of RDM and we will explain requirements by third-party funders and how you can best fulfill those requirements.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates, Scientists & Researchers
1.7 Visibility and Research Impact
Bibliometrics, Scholarly Communication and Publication Strategies
What is my research impact and how can I influence my visibility and ranking? How can I use academic identity management and social media for improving my presence on the internet? The course gives an overview of different issues with scholarly publication and improvement of research impact.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates, Scientists & Researchers
1.8 Predatory Journals and Conferences
Who can be trusted?
Presentations at renowned conferences and publications in recognized journals are the currency of research. For you as a researcher, it is important to make your research visible and to publish your findings. This is what dubious organizers and publishers try to exploit with fraudulent publication offers. In this course you will learn how to identify and avoid dubious offers.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates, Scientists & Researchers
1.9 Literature Search Consultations for Students
Are you searching for literature and do you need any help? Then please make an appointment for an individual consultation. We will be happy to support you.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
2.0 Database Search Strategies Consultations
You are a researcher or PhD candidate at KyU and would like to have an individual consultation on search strategies or databases? We are happy to help you – specifically with your individual research topic.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates & Scientists
Reference Management & Citation Consultations
Are you currently writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis or your PhD? Do difficult questions pop-up you can't answer with what you know. In our reference management and citations consultation service we will try to help you answer these questions.
Open to: KyU Students, Faculty and other Staff
Bibliometrics and Impact Consultations
Would you like to analyze, improve, or simply better understand the impact of your research output? We will work with you on answers to your questions about the use and meaning of metrics such as the research gate, and more.
Open to: KyU Doctoral Candidates & Scientists
Consultations for Lecturers
How can the university library support you with your teaching? Feel free to make an individual appointment, we will be happy to inform you about the library’s services.
Open to: KyU Lecturers