In order to provide effective user centered, friendly and quality service to our users, Kirinyaga University Library has been divided into various sections that help give personalized services to the users; the sections cater for specific needs that the users may have, these sections are as follows;
Research and User Services
The section is committed to helping users meet their specific informational needs. We are similarly mindful of the fact that no library in the world can claim to be self-sufficient. In the event that a user is unable to find what he/she is looking for they are free to consult our information service desks for research assistance. Our competent librarians are there to provide timely responses to user academic and research needs. The users are free to come with their laptop and enjoy wireless network access. I invite you to explore our website and trust that you will find our resources useful in meeting your academic and research information needs.
The circulation section is the main service point for all library clientele. Apart from charging and discharging of library materials, it provides customized services and attend to general user information needs or enquiries. It is also charged with the following functions among many others: registration of users, orientation of new patrons; monitoring materials for material damage and routing them to the appropriate section for repair or replacement; manage overdue fines ; and clearance of students and staff exiting the university.
Library ICT and Innovation
The section manages ICT services in the library. All sections of the Library have been connected through LAN to cater for various needs of the users. Library computer database have been created using the Library Management Software (KOHA). The section is also charged with the responsibility of maintaining hardware and software, e-resources access services, coming up with innovative digital product, improve and maintain a robust Institutional Repository.
Technical Services
The section is dedicated to delivering, high quality, up to date and innovative information resources which contribute to the successful learning, teaching and research of the University and community. The section continually works to further the development of the library collection both in print and electronic resources.